Monday, October 5, 2009

Cool Weather & Comfort Foods

I love fall and all the foods that go along with it, so in my attempt to have an overall healthy eating habits I hope to make some of my favorites a little on the lighter side... I did the grocery shopping this week.
Note: Most of the time Ben goes, its something we started when we had child #2.. It was easier for him to go before church then me trying to go with 2 kids, well now 3!

With that I was in the mood for some of my favorite comfort foods, since its going to be only around 60 all week...

Here's what is on my menu for this week...

Ham and Beans ( Crockpot)
Tortilla Soup ( Crockpot)
Mexican Chicken Rice Casserole
Roast with Sweet Potatoes (Crockpot)
Chicken Chili (Crockpot)

Do you see a trend?? I love the the crockpot I can make almost anything in it!! Also I love beans, its great because my girls love beans too... Rosalyn loves beans! This also helps the budget!

I have made enough that I will have leftovers for lunch and some to freeze..

This week I will be hitting the gym hard, here is my plan:

Mon~ Run, Arms
Tues~ Class
Wed~ Run, Arms
Thurs~ Spin =)

I was really hoping to spin at least 2 times this week, but they took it off of the 4:30 schedule and I just can't make the other times...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Note to self....

I have to stop eating Chilk-Fil-A breakfast.....

Back in the Groove...

Today was just one of those day's where I didn't feel like working at all... I was dreading going to the gym and was going to use the excuse of Logan not feeling well to avoid it.. And to top it off my workout partner had something come up and couldn't make it. So I picked the kids up headed home and last minute decided to go to SPIN.... And I'm SO HAPPY that I did. I was the one and only person besides the instructor, but it was so fun and I got a GREAT workout! It was my favorite spin instructor and we talked and worked it out! As Ben would say "Up in the gym working on my fitness!!" My kids love to go to the gym childcare so its a win/win!

Once we were home I made a yummy salad with red,yellow and orange peppers and Newman's Own Olive Oil and Vinegar dressing.. I LOVE IT! Even the girls had a big salad and I think Audrey ate an entire can of black olives! For the main course we had black bean tacos... So over all we had a wonderful night and Ben was even home for the evening.... =)

My goal for tomorrow is to drink more water!!!