Thursday, November 12, 2009


Well today is our Thanksgiving Food Day at work. I brought sweet potatoes! I plan on not over indulging but I will be having "carbs"....

B: Eggs w. Cheese
S: Cocoa Almonds
L: Turkey, green beans, salad, corn, sweet potatoes and pumpkin cheesecake ( small slice) =)
S: None!
D: Spaghetti Squash with Sauce, salad

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Just my food for the day...

B: Chicken Salad w. celery eggs and red pepper ( I didn't have time to make eggs)
S: Cheese Stick
L: Salad w. NOD, avocado, and Turkey Burger
S: V8 w. almonds
D: Beans and Ham, salad

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tuesday Menu

B: Eggs w. cheese and Salsa, Skinny Latte
S: cheese stick
L: Chili w. tea
S: cheese stick and pistachio's
D: Chicken salad w. celery and boiled egg

Monday Weigh In

Today has been a week, and I did have some carbs but over all not to bad. I weighed in this am and I was at 149 that is -4lbs!!!

Today's Menu

B: Eggs w. mushroom, onion and salsa & V8
L: Salad w. NOD , turkey burger and avocado
S: Celery and PB
D: Ladies Night at church Pot Luck.....

Friday, November 6, 2009

Finally Friday!

I am so happy that it's Friday! We have went 2 full weeks of no sick kids!! Praise the Lord!

Well yesterday I gave it but not today!!! It is day 6 of my commitment to no carbs for 14 days, and I have to say even though I did give in some I am still motivated and excited!

You know how when you are making changes in your life and you only tell the closest of friends and others start to notice??? I love it, especially since yesterday I didn't do so great... I have gotten 2 compliments today about looking "slimmer" this just helps out my ego a little!

So here is the menu for today:
B: Celery w/. PB and coffee
L: "mashed cauliflower" w. chicken
S: Boiled egg
D: not sure yet but probably a big salad!

I started reading the South Beach Cookbook and I love it! I am excited to try some new recipes out!

I know weigh in day isn't until Sunday but I'm excited I weighed this am and was down to 149!!

Giving in to temptations...

Oh well the title says it all. I gave in to my temptations today and most of it was because I was not prepared. I woke up late, didn't have enough eggs for breakfast so I stopped at Chick-fil-a... Although my intentions were good, my stomach wanted more! I ended up with a Egg, Cheese and Bacon Biscuit meal... I did give the hash rounds and top biscuit to my friend but I still had 1/2 the biscuit and a split tea! That wasn't so bad right??? Well then it led to the rest of my day...

Lunch: "mashed" cauliflower and tuna w. celery.
Snack: Orange Roll from Crumpet... ( they had left over at work from a meeting)
Dinner: Amazing Gnocchi soup the my friend made!! ( this wasn't to bad but did have carbs)
Snack: Cheerios's w. milk...

So you see my day wasn't HORRIBLE but I see a pattern... I started my day with "bad" carbs to end my day with more "bad" carbs.... I will not let this day ruin my goal but I had to document so I don't forget!! Will there be days like this YES! Does that mean its over and I have to live my entire life this way NO! So tomorrow is a new day and I can't wait!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday 4th

Well its day 4 of SB, and I have to say its going pretty good. I have had a few slips but nothing I'm going to let bother me =)

So here's the plan for today....

B: Scrambled Eggs w. Salsa, coffee & V8 ( I did have some PB too)
S: Celery w. LC
L: Salad w. red peppers grilled chicken and NOD.
S: Cottage Cheese
D: Chicken Chili w. "mashed" cauliflower.

Tuesday Nov. 3rd

So yesterday went great and I have the same planned for today!

B: Scrambled eggs w. salsa, coffee and V8
S: Ham w. LC
L: Salad w. chicken and tea
S: Edamame
D: Chicken Tenders

It was a super busy day today, the girls had dance and it was viewing night so much fun! Then I had a PTO meeting and then home to get all the kids settled... Went to bed early!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Monday's Meal Plans

B: 2 scrambled eggs w. coffee
S: Celery w. 1 wedge laughing cow cheese and almonds
L: turkey burger w. avocado, salad w. red peppers and NOD.
S: LC w. ham
D: Spaghetti Squash w. homemade sauce, green beans.
S: Spoonful of PB!

I have to admit I did snack on a few pieces of the girls pasta and I ate an oatmeal cookie... However I think the rest of the day went well... Just need to be real!

Fresh Start

So Sunday was my fresh start... I needed something to kick start my weight loss and after doing a ton or research and knowing how my body reacts to certain foods I have decided to start The South Beach Diet. I spent most of Saturday making my meal plans, and researching recipes. Ben did the shopping Sunday am and we I had a great 1st day! Honestly I've known that I was going to start Sunday and have done the low carb thing since last week. So for the next couple weeks I will be posting my meals and my weight up dates to hold myself accountable and to keep track...

Sunday 1st'

B: Scrambled Eggs w. Coffee
S: Cheese Stick
L: Turkey Burger, Avocado and Salad w/ Newman's Own Olive Oil and Vinegar Dressing!
D: Chili w/cheese

My 1st weigh in was at 153

Monday, October 5, 2009

Cool Weather & Comfort Foods

I love fall and all the foods that go along with it, so in my attempt to have an overall healthy eating habits I hope to make some of my favorites a little on the lighter side... I did the grocery shopping this week.
Note: Most of the time Ben goes, its something we started when we had child #2.. It was easier for him to go before church then me trying to go with 2 kids, well now 3!

With that I was in the mood for some of my favorite comfort foods, since its going to be only around 60 all week...

Here's what is on my menu for this week...

Ham and Beans ( Crockpot)
Tortilla Soup ( Crockpot)
Mexican Chicken Rice Casserole
Roast with Sweet Potatoes (Crockpot)
Chicken Chili (Crockpot)

Do you see a trend?? I love the the crockpot I can make almost anything in it!! Also I love beans, its great because my girls love beans too... Rosalyn loves beans! This also helps the budget!

I have made enough that I will have leftovers for lunch and some to freeze..

This week I will be hitting the gym hard, here is my plan:

Mon~ Run, Arms
Tues~ Class
Wed~ Run, Arms
Thurs~ Spin =)

I was really hoping to spin at least 2 times this week, but they took it off of the 4:30 schedule and I just can't make the other times...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Note to self....

I have to stop eating Chilk-Fil-A breakfast.....

Back in the Groove...

Today was just one of those day's where I didn't feel like working at all... I was dreading going to the gym and was going to use the excuse of Logan not feeling well to avoid it.. And to top it off my workout partner had something come up and couldn't make it. So I picked the kids up headed home and last minute decided to go to SPIN.... And I'm SO HAPPY that I did. I was the one and only person besides the instructor, but it was so fun and I got a GREAT workout! It was my favorite spin instructor and we talked and worked it out! As Ben would say "Up in the gym working on my fitness!!" My kids love to go to the gym childcare so its a win/win!

Once we were home I made a yummy salad with red,yellow and orange peppers and Newman's Own Olive Oil and Vinegar dressing.. I LOVE IT! Even the girls had a big salad and I think Audrey ate an entire can of black olives! For the main course we had black bean tacos... So over all we had a wonderful night and Ben was even home for the evening.... =)

My goal for tomorrow is to drink more water!!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

bad habits

Ahhh.. well so the last 2 days are not a good start to my "Healthy Lifestyle".... but I guess that's what its life right??? Yesterday I had Chick-Fil-A for breakfast because I was running late then I wasn't feeling well so I took an Allegra-D, and let me just say oh my... That made be have the worst medicine head and I had no appetite at all. So after a very long day of running, finally at 9pm I had an apple... Now that is not healthy! So today is a fresh day and I hope to do better... Tonight for supper... Black Bean Tacos... Yummy can't wait...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Weigh In: Week 1

I am a scale addict... I hate to admit it but I get on the scale every morning, I know crazy but I can't help it... But for blog sake I will just log weekly!

Tuesday Sept 29th... 153

Last night I made it to spin class for the first time since having Logan and let me just say "HOLY COW". It kicked my butt! But I love that I can work out for only 45 min and really get a good burn... Today is my day off because the girls have dance class on Tuesday's. However I will be back in the gym tomorrow.

Commitment to Myself....

This is my commitment my journey and my accountability... Its been exactly 10 months since baby number 3 was born and I won't be able to use the excuse of baby weight for much longer... Yes I am down to my pre-baby weight, however I was much toner before and honestly not happy with my weight before.

My goal when I got pregnant was to nurse Logan for 12 months and I'm happy to say I have been going strong for 10 months and it looks like I will meet that goal!!! I'm so happy to accomplish this not only for me to lose that baby weight and consciously eat better for my baby but for all the health benefits to him!!

So I start this blog #2 to hopefully log my journey not only of weight loss but to a healthy lifestyle for me and my family!

Ben was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease in March, this had made a huge impact on how our family eats. This is still a trial and error for him as far as what foods affect him and cause flare ups... so hopefully this will be a record for him as well...

The girls are honestly pretty good eaters for the most part not to picky.. Rosalyn is like Ben as far as texture of food is concerned and she loves carbs... Audrey is my health nut, her absolute favorite is sweet red peppers and boiled eggs!! I can't beat that for a snack!!!

So here I am about to bare my all for the sake of getting real with myself!!! It's not about who if anyone reads this just about me and my journey!